Inheritance planning

“There are two lasting things we should give our children, one is roots, and the other is wings”.

What we can do for you

  • Support during the company handover
  • Trust
  • Fiduciary agreement
  • Shareholders’ agreements
  • Family holding
  • Family agreement
  • Inheritance planning
  • Testament

A successful handover from one generation of entrepreneurs to another is based on a balance between the energy of the younger management and the experience of their parents or relatives that have steered the company so far. In order to achieve such a balance, a precise strategy should be devised, including detailed planning that goes through all fiscal, legal, and administrative aspects.

Through a comprehensive analysis of risks and opportunities, our firm can help entrepreneurs oversee this delicate phase so that the business can run seamlessly and without loss of competitiveness.

Passaggio Generazionale
Casalini Zambon

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